it's getting damn cold here and i've been asking the street kids what their needs are. most of the squats, from what i've seen, are very well feathered with blankets.
faust told me she needed a sleeping bag. i promptly got on a seattle list and asked if any one had a spare.
i collected 4 in 2 days. turns out daimey, joey and miles need one too. perfect. all accounted for.
it felt really good to know that there are some
kind and caring people out there.
sometimes i forget that is the case.

she is a beautiful girl
hey, I'm doing a project on cultural anthropology and looked up street kids and came across this picture. I work at Westlake, and a lot of these guys come in to Plush( the bean bag store on the bottom floor). I talked to a couple last week( his name is mike, and i think her name is charlotte) and they told me he got jumped and they took everything including their cats food. After hearing that i've been collecting a bunch of clothes and shit for them and others who can use it downtown out of my own stuff and getting people i know involved. I'm trying to organize a way to get it to them all but i haven't seen the couple i know in a week or so. Any idea how i could organize dropping off clothes and toiletries for everyone? or what they need?
inthevent@comcast.net<-- that's my email. If you could help me organize something that would be great. I feel really bad for them and hate the waya lot of people downtown treat them like they dont exsist.
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